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Hello, I'm Amiee, the NFT painter. I can't draw well every day, but I can draw every day, so I continue working on it.


Hello, I'm Amiee, the NFT painter. I can't draw well every day, but I can draw every day, so I continue working on it.


I need time to put down my busy daily life for a while and take care of my mind. I sit still, stare out the window, and take care of my mind for a while. I put the compliment that I did well today and the promise that I will do well tomorrow in my cat's face.



Q1. What are the strengths of NFT artists compared to other artists?

A. I think the advantage is that the accessibility is good because the entry barrier is low. Even if you don't major in painting, you can draw and show it to people and trade with people you want.

Q2. What advice do you want to give to foreign artists who want to enter the NFT market in Japan?

A. -

Q3. Please let me know what communities you participate in and how they help you!

A. I think we need to understand Korean culture and language. I think it's a necessary virtue not only for the art market but also for any place that needs exchange. It will be helpful to communicate with artists smoothly.



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