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Revinci is an korean NFT artist who draws Renaissance-style cats. She trying to properly harmonize the culture of the East and the West. And Ultimately she want to introduce Korea's culture and history to the world.


Revinci is an korean NFT artist who draws Renaissance-style cats. She trying to properly harmonize the culture of the East and the West. And Ultimately she want to introduce Korea's culture and history to the world.

Revinci_Admiral Yi Sun-sin Cat

Revinci_Admiral Yi Sun-sin Cat Yi is regarded as one of the greatest naval commanders in history, with commentators praising his strategic vision, intelligence, innovations, and personality. Yi is celebrated as a national hero in Korea, with multiple landmarks, awards and towns named after him, as well as numerous films and documentaries centered on his exploits



Q1. What are the strengths of NFT artists compared to other artists?

A. First of all, I'm trying to harmonize the cultures of the East and the West.
The focus That my drawing is delicately rather than flashy colors.
Through such a process, an antique animal-Art is completed.
Finally, I'm trying to publicize Korean history and culture to the world through theses artworks.

Q2. What advice do you want to give to foreign artists who want to enter the NFT market in Japan?

A. NFT artists in Korea really love artworks of various genres.
And Korean-NFT artists also creates artworks of various genres.
So If you want to enter the NFT market in Korea, we always welcome!

Q3. Please let me know what communities you participate in and how they help you!

A. First, I use kakaotalk-openchat with 54 people. (
I can share my artworks and information about NFT with each other.
Sometimes, I also visit the Discord where other artists are active. But I don't have Discord yet. And I also upload my artworks on Instagram and Twitter.



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